NeologisticsWriting → Spirals

Writing in Spirals

Can Your Editor Do This?

One day in 1993 I was moved to have some fun with the picture-editing mode in GNU Emacs, whereupon I wrote the following badly-composed and impossible-to-edit paragraph in an inwardly turning spiral. Twenty minutes later, this was the result. To read this, read all the way across the first line in the normal way. At the last column, which starts with a T, read down the column of letters to the bottom of the paragraph. At the bottom right, at the letter u, read the line backwards to tje left margin, where there is a space. Then read up that column to the second line, and read across the line to the second-to-last column, down to the next-to-last line, left to the third column, then up to the third line. Follow the pattern until you get to the middle. Can you read it?

Read this in a spiral across, down back and up again. T	
you direct it by means of the C->, C-<, C., and C.^ c h	
  and southwest.  Of course this feature is not ver o i	 
y   possible to even DO on any other editor, and  y m s  
a , m ely around the screen, drawing diagrams u i   m  
w t i e hen I have time waiting for kernels t s t p a  
  s   r w ge to the center I will print it  o i   r n i
r a s f   a  get, though I suspect I migh j   n d a d s
e e i   y p l a period of testing. But  t u r g o c s  
v h   m l   l n though this gets hard I   s e   e t . o
e t t a n s i i   because I have to e   g t g A s i   n
t u i o o i w r n   so often, but c r a e   e S   c T l
a o   r   h   u e r .enod m'I won h   m t f n C h a h y
h s t   o t I d v e snoitcerid egna a     o   I a l e  
w   u y d       e tnec eht ot teg I s h f r a I v   r p
  , b a   t n e  ,sselthetnon nuf gniva i   n   e f e o
e t   m I e o mit hcum os gnitsaw rof der f d c   o   s
v s ,     g itcaer a fo dnik tahw ees ot nu   h i r a s
o e d r d  I nehW .cte no dna no dna htrof os a t   r i
m w a e na ,od ot emit sekat osla sihT .sretcar s s e b
  h e su eht nierehw ,gniward "erutcip" ni ecalp  o   l
o t r ot elbissopmi si ti esuaceb siht ekil gnihtem a e
t ron ,tsaehtron ward ot uoy wolla hcihw sdnammoc osl  
 rosruc eht swolla hcihw erutaef erutcip-tide eht gnisu


Read this in a spiral across, down back and up again. This is only possible using the edit-picture feature which allows the cursor to move whatever way you direct it by means of the C->, C-<, C-., and C-.^ commands. There are also commands which allow you to draw northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest. Of course this feature is not very practical for something like this because it is impossible to read, but it is impossible to even DO on any other editor, and it does have its place in "picture" drawing, wherein the user may roam freely around the screen, drawing diagrams using ASCII characters. This also takes time to do, and do I only when I have time waiting for kernels to regen and so forth and on and on etc. When I get this page to the center I will print it just for fun to see what kind of a reaction I will get, though I suspect I might get fired for wasting so much time during a period of testing. But I am having fun nonetheless, even though this gets harder as I get to the center because I have to change directions so often, but now I am done