NeologisticsMusicTime/Think Dog!→BTWT Cover Art
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Dog Days — Cover Art

This is the cover art for Dog Days as released on the Shadocks Music label (#063), available from, on vinyl. The CD edition will be released later this year (2006). Their web site is old fashioned, but the products come with first class packaging. To buy the recording, go to the web site, find it, and phone or mail your order. Before There Was Time comes with a lengthy insert of program notes.

Dog Days
	    Front Cover The front cover is a picture taken by photojournalist I.C. Rapoport (, used with his permission. This man has been around since the early sixties. His work includes photographs of John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. Click on the image to see it blown up to full size.
Dog Days Back Cover The first three pictures were taken the same day in our warehouse loft on Mott Street in New York City, with me on the left, Tom McFaul, and Richard Stanley, all of us still from when the band was called Time. The next picture is of Ron Reninger, taken about a year after he played with us, and the one on the right is Bob Stuhler, our eventual true drummer and pal, seen here playing at a Hot Tuna concert, with home he played for several years after our band broke up.